25 What Do The Planets Mean In Astrology

The planets in hindu astrology are known as the navagraha or nine realms. The fastest is the moon at 28 days.

Retrograde Planets And Their Number In The Natal Chart

This planet will show us a persons dreams as well as their delusions and where they are most creative.

What do the planets mean in astrology. The smallest and innermost planet of the solar system mercury is named after the roman deity who served as a messenger to the gods. Astrologers differ on the signs associated with each planets exaltation. Neptune planet meaning in astrology.

Personal planets social planets and collective planets. They are called fast moving planets because they travel through the entire zodiac quickly. It tells you what your dominating overall personality traits are.

The outer planets jupiter saturn neptune uranus pluto take seven years or more to move through the zodiac which explains why each generation can be identified by a specific movement or feeling the roaring 20s age of aquarius and so on. They all affect us differently and knowing the areas of life they govern is critical to understanding your horoscope in its entirety. Planets and asteroids and their meaning in addition to the earth astrology deals with ten planets namely the sun the moon the two luminaries are considered planets in astrology mercury venus mars jupiter saturn uranus neptune and pluto.

It represents what you are trying to become. The planets and their meaning in astrology. The inner planets sun moon mercury mars and venus move quickly through the zodiac which means they affect us on a more personal intimate level.

The planets are divided into two groups. The sun rules leo. The sun defines your personal identity your ego and your unique self expression.

The sun rules leo and the 5th house. The following is a brief interpretation for each planet. But in astrology knowing the planets and their effects on your life is just as important as knowing your sign.

Inner and outer planets. The sun is the most popular planet in astrology. In astrology the planets are divided into three categories.

The planet neptune represents the more mystical side of our nature our dreams our intuition and imagination. In chinese astrology the planets are associated with the life forces of yin and yang and the five elements which play an important role in the chinese form of geomancy known as feng shui. Within astrology mercury symbolizes communication.

Personal planets inner 1. In astrology each of the 10 planets rules a zodiac sign and a zodiac house. The personal planets are the sun the moon mercury venus and mars.

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